Start the year off right with these pointers:

  1. On the first day of school, just bring a notebook and pencil to jot down any key info. Teachers will let you know what you need for the school year.
  2. PE uniforms must be purchased by freshman/new students and are expected to last through sophomore year. Students must provide a lock for their PE locker.
  3. Buy the Right Start package. It has essentials for a successful school year – “R” sticker, yearbook, access to sporting events, and other great Redwood swag.
  4. Join PTSA! Your dues are so important in helping to support our staff and students.
  5. Picture Day is the Friday before school starts and this is when you get your student ID. This is a student-only day, just drop them and come back.
  6. Create a Parent Canvas account and pair it with your student’s account. Your student will need to log in to their account to give you access. This is a great resource if you want to see what is going on in your student’s classes.
  7. Check out the Redwood Bark! The Redwood Bark endeavors to inform the student body and staff of happenings in the school and the community beyond. Redwoodbark.org. You can read the Twig (daily online bulletin) to get an idea of what is going on at school.

Sports and Dances:

  1. If your student wants to do a fall sport, make sure they are registered with all completed documents (medical form signed by doctor) by August 1st. Check out the Athletics home page on the Redwood High School website for more information.
  2. The back-to-school dance is typically on Friday of the first week of school. Prom is typically in April and is only for juniors and seniors (and their guests).

Lunch, Wellness Center, College & Career Center, Absences:

  1. Lunch lasts for 35 minutes each day. Kids either get lunch at the cafeteria, bring their own, or walk to nearby food establishments.
  2. The Wellness Center is a great resource for students. Encourage them to check it out. The website can be found on the Redwood High School website under Resources – Redwood Wellness Center.
  3. Check out Redwood’s College and Career Center! Also found on the Redwood High School website under Resources – College and Career Center.
  4. Attendance:
    • Attendance Hotline (to call your student in sick): (415)945-3679
    • Attendance (for doctor/dental appointments or questions): (415)945-3624

Getting to and From Redwood:

  1. Student parking is very limited. Parking spots are available to students that live more than a 20-minute walk from campus and make a commitment to carpooling (3 or more students). After carpool spots are given out the remaining spots are given out via a lottery system with preference for seniors first.
  2. The bus is a popular option. Marin Transit runs several bus routes to Redwood:
  3. Many students bike to school and then lock their bikes up in the bike rack. Please note Redwood’s new ebike policy.