Newsletter, September 5, 2023
Support Redwood High School – Become a PTSA Member for the 2023-24 School Year
Your PTSA Membership is a DIRECT DONATION to the RHS Community!
For only $45 a year, you are a member of a community that supports:
- Monthly staff appreciation treats at staff meetings
- Supporting the work of the wonderful Wellness Center
- Managing volunteers for back-to-school initiatives and other activities
- Providing parent/caregiver education events throughout the school year such as “Redwood 101” in the fall and “Seniors Speak” in the spring
- Organizing “Career Conversations” for our students
- Providing an end-of-year BBQ for all RHS staff
All this is made possible by your one-time $45 donation for the 2023-2024 school year!
Click Here and Become a PTSA Member
Redwood 101 – PTSA Family Ed
Wednesday, September 13, 8:45am, Kreps Room, Redwood campus
For all new, transfer and returning family members, we welcome you to join Principal Payne for an important information session with several staff members and the ASB president.
This PTSA meeting is always a favorite as support staff and administrators are introduced, their roles identified, along with the resources that will best help you to support your student. Departments presenting include Wellness, Athletics, Arts, Attendance and more.
This meeting is for both new and returning parents and caregivers who have questions about what to expect, what your student may anticipate, and who to reach out to and when.
We look forward to seeing you there! Parking information can be found here.
Redwood PTSA Teacher Appreciation
Express your gratitude to our faculty and staff!
Show your appreciation for RHS teachers and staff by contributing a gift for a raffle at their monthly staff meetings. Gifts can be anything from a gift card (coffee, restaurant, spa, etc.) to an item you think might be appreciated (sports tickets, event tickets, etc.).
Click here to sign up to bring a gift and/or get more information.
Upcoming Dates of Importance
Beyond Donations, Your Help Is Always Needed!
Volunteer to be part of the PTSA
Looking to get more involved at Redwood? Want to meet some great parents? Join the PTSA and help keep our community vibrant! Contact PTSA President Kim Sichel to let her know of your interest.