Final PTSA General Meeting “Seniors Speak”

Newsletter, April 27, 2023


Final PTSA General Meeting “Seniors Speak”

Tuesday, May 30 at 8:45am – Kreps Hall
All returning parents/caregivers are welcome.

This general meeting is always a favorite – a panel of graduating seniors with diverse experiences at RHS share their journeys and insights, including AP classes, sports teams, SATs, as well as their plans for the future.

There will be time for Q&A, so those with questions about what to expect and what their student may anticipate won’t want to miss this General Meeting.

Staff Appreciation BBQ – Thank you!

Last Friday the small gym was transformed into a Beach Bash to celebrate our amazing teachers, administration and staff at Redwood. Thank you to all of the families who contributed time, food, and gifts to make this a special annual tradition.

Special thanks to parents Erin Matthews, Lisa Buoy and Julie Houtkooper who organized the event.

Another extra big thank you to Dave Doyle and RHS alum Brooks Hoehn who come to this event each year to do the grilling. They are both parents of Redwood alum and Dave has been grilling for this lunch for over 25 years!


RedwoodLands Grad Night 2023

Volunteers Needed

A huge thanks to all who are volunteering to make the 2023 Redwood PTSA Safe and Sober Grad Night Party a success. This year’s theme is RedwoodLands, and it will take a village to turn Mt. Tam Racquet Club into a music festival themed night of fun and games for our seniors. Please sign up to be part of this long-standing Redwood tradition to keep the grads safe while having fun on their big night!

Please review the available slots and sign up here. All volunteer slots are located at Mt. Tam Racquet Club. Thank you!


Why PTSA Membership Matters

Your PTSA Membership is a DIRECT DONATION to the Redwood High School Community!